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The future Sygehus Sønderjylland will expand across multiple Danish municipalities to include an emergency hospital in Aabenraa, a specialist hospital in Sønderborg and a same-day hospital in Tønder. As part of a decision to strengthen the use of technology and increase the effectiveness of multidisciplinary collaboration within the entire Southern Denmark region, the implementation of a video solution was necessary to plan patients’ discharge more seamlessly. Fortunately, with the support of the three DISH tools, the regional hospital was able to identify optimal locations for digital skill training; promote eHealth technologies where health care professionals from different wards and the four regional municipalities had cross-sectorial training; ensure ongoing learning to increase the likelihood of uptake in clinical settings. Using the DISH tools guaranteed that implementation of this solution could occur within an immediate time frame.

At A Glance


kilometres saved by health & care professionals in driving distance


the percentage of discharge visitation nurses who participated at the training


the total number of health & care professionals trained

Resource Allocation

Resource Allocation

Planning and Implementation Tool Helps Clarify Needs and Resources to Carry Out eHealth Solutions

The technology was already an integrated system at the hospital; however, it was not in use. The collaboration and dialogue held within the planning meetings thanks to the planning and implementation tool allowed for shared decision-making processes to occur. This would prove important, because it would encourage all stakehokders to consider and accept implementation challenges, needed skills and necessary goals. At the same time, we would say that the flexibility of the tool would allow us to handpick questions from the tool to gain better insights and constitute the basis for planning the training with the right resources.



The On-The-Job Training Tool Creates A Secure Space for Fruitful Interdisciplinary Dialogues and Interactions

“I really think I’ve got a lot to take home. It was really good to get a hands-on experience instead of all that “ass-to-bench” teaching. It was a long time since I sat on the school bench. So, I learn best by getting it [training] in my hands.”

– Doris, nurse

Overall, 86 participants from the hospital and municipality underwent training sessions focused on hands-on training. The intensive and well-structured planning of on-the-job training helped these professionals to learn skills related to setting up and holding video meetings, as well as troubleshooting, e.g., no sound or picture available. The participants appreciated the hands-on training in the simulation facilities, because it was a safe space. In other words, although mistakes were possible, there were no direct or immediate repercussion. The training provided the possibility to learn and improve weak areas, so that in the long term, professionals would be able to feel confident using their skills with the technology. In addition, this experience was compounded by the fact that participants could enjoy cross-sectorial conversations and spontaneously-arranged online meetings to practice digital skills. The fostered comraderie was conducive to interactions, as it would lay the groundwork for these individuals to make arrangements for further collaboration.



The Assessment and Recognition Tool Identifies The Need for Follow-up Meetings to Ensure Effective Implementation After Training

“Yes, it is a question of resources for us….! But if you take the citizens’ perspective, which I think is just as important, then it is also a huge advantage that they feel that they get the support they need. It can be in terms of treatment or even coping mechanisms for everyday life. There is a close connection, such as that between a region and municipality, as they work in the same direction for the citizen!”

– Helle, management director

In general, it is a difficult task to carry out an eHealth solution and apply the technology. We experienced that even though the participants found the technology easy to use at the simulation facilities, it was more complicated to continue implementation afterwards. Therefore, the Assessment and Recognition process tool played a key role in such scenarios. We were able to hold follow-up sessions with the same stakeholders from the meetings related to DISH tool usage. The systematic continuity of follow-up meeting allowed us to steer the implementation process, helping guarantee that expectations and outcomes were in alignment. Similarly, if needed, we could provide further on-site assistance to increase the likelihood of successful technology use.

Only with DISH


The health system is currently undergoing a large-scale reorganisation to address upcoming demographic challenges. Treatments have become more centralised, being concentrated in fewer, more extensive and increasingly specialised hospitals. The Danish Digital Health Strategy aims to provide cross-sectorial health & care to jointly ensure better coherence in treatment and reduce time and resources by using eHealth solutions.

The DISH tools help take specific considerations into account when training must be planned and performed. The identification and execution of follow-up meetings have shown to be indispensably valuable, given that it anticipates the potential pitfalls of implementation when responsibility falls back into the hands of each individual department. Indeed, because of how these tools have been designed, teams and institutions can stand to benefit. Implementation of any eHealth solution could experience a reduction in new financially conditioned initiatives and consumption of staff resources.


More available time

for for other tasks related to health & care due to a lack of need to drive to physical planning discharge meetings

Less driving reduces costs

and can have a positive impact for the enviroment


hours saved when driving from the municipality to the hospital

Training Material

Build upon the Danes’ experience and use their own well-tested
documents to support you with DISH implementation

Change begins now.

The health & care sector is transforming quickly — shifting demographics and a
widespread digital overhaul. But, with DISH, you can be one step ahead.

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