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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! DISH is ideal for any employee forming part of health & care providers who is responsible for innovation and internal competency and skills development.

This means that managers, internal consultants working in innovation departments, or digital change officers could find DISH an appealing option to implement in clinical settings and promote innovation readiness and digital upskilling amongst health & care professionals.

DISH provides tested and refined process tools–alongside templates, case studies, and recommendations–to help individuals and teams increase their innovation readiness and digital competencies and knowledge.

Furthermore, the tools are extremely comprehensive, including systematic assessment, well-defined training sessions, and multidisciplinary collaboration. This ensures that the learning process is both streamlined and facilitated for trainers and learners.

Yes, it is! The website is designed to help you become familiar with the tools, its proven effectiveness, and more.

In fact, you can even use all three tools in your respective organisation or institution by visiting the Get Started page. The overall aim is to ensure that health & care professionals can strengthen their digital skills, competencies, and knowledge to implement an eHealth solution effectively and securely, so patients can benefit in the long term.

The development and refinement of the three process tools were made possible due to actual testing across six European countries. Whilst each region had unique experiences and needs with the tools, the results were promising!

For example, the Norwegians reported having avoided an estimated 5,000 euros in implementation costs! The Polish partners stated that 80% of their training participants felt confident that they would use the knowledge acquired about patient data to preserve cybersecurity.

But, if this is not enough, take a look at all the other case studies! Each one highlights measurable achievements gained with the support of the DISH tools.

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