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Process Tool For

Planning and Implementation

Process Tool For

On-the-Job Training

Process Tool For

Assessment and Recognition

Frequently Asked Questions

Whilst you can use each tool individually, you should understand that employing all three tools in a non-linear manner could increase the likelihood of achieving learning objectives and desired outcomes.

For example, when you plan the on-the-job training, you’ll also want to consider the Assessment and Recognition process tool. It will ensure that both objectives and expectations are aligned, and the quality of training improves in response to the systematic evaluations taking place.

It invites various stakeholders-ranging from health & care professionals and IT representatives to patients and innovation managers–to engage in a somewhat co-creation process that will foster multidisciplinary collaboration, “out-of-the-box” thinking, team learning and strong foundations for implementing eHealth solutions.

The team’s role is to ensure that all kinds of innovations in the health & care sector find their support in competency and skills development via a co-creation process based on shared decision-making.

Specifically, collaboration and dialogue within the team should:

  • Stimulate more explorative behaviour amongst health & care professionals to foster innovation
  • Support implementation and change management processes
  • Reinforce competency/skills development and capacity building in teams instead of individuals
  • Promote collaboration between health & care professionals and companies to attain a better understanding of needs

The shared decision-making process encourages common engagement and mutual understanding of the “urgency” necessary to successfully implement digital solutions in the health & care sector.

Whilst there is no definitive solution on how it should be practised, DISH has provided key elements that could support discussions across various themes (refer to the domains in Planning and Implementation process tool). These elements include:

  • Talk about choices
  • Talk about opportunities and preferences
  • Talk about the decision

It is important to remember that what underlines the process is:

  • All parties shall be actively involved in the decision-making process
  • All parties shall share knowledge
  • All parties shall share their preferences
  • All parties shall reach an agreement

Yes, definitely! If you click on this link, you’ll find a comprehensive document that describes all of the DISH tools. Furthermore, in section 5.4 onward, you’ll see how a communications plan and online process management tools could help you maximise the use of the tool.

Defining clear objectives from the very beginning can help achieve the overall learning objective of on-the-job training, which is that health & care professionals will be able to:

  • Use the digital technologies and solutions in a safe and ethical manner
  • Guide colleagues and patients/citizens in the use of the technologies and digital solutions
  • Participate in implementing new digital solutions
  • Organise the use of digital solutions
  • Identify organisational changes that new digital technologies and solutions will bring to the workplace
  • Engage in technological innovation processes

We recommend using the European Qualifications Framework levels and the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET).

However, in the materials we provide during the use of the tool, you’ll see that the ECVET Learning Objectives and Assessment Frame has been slightly adapted to meet the unique needs of the DISH approach.

With all this, you should be able to structure and visualise the individual learning objectives for each learner and even plan the assessment and present related results.

In this case, you’ll have a training officer, permanent staff from HR/training departments, clinical practice specialists with experience, “super users”, and an IT department representative.

The session should last between 2-6 hours. Factors that will influence duration include the case in and of itself, the complexity of the digital solution, and the extent of training needs.

When designing the assessment process, it should reflect the training content and consider the organisational and professional learning and training context.

No. The DISH tool does not in itself propose one specific assessment method or tool. You’ll need to choose the most relevant method and/or tool based on the digital tool at hand, learning setting, the organisation in which learning should take place, culture, structure, and unique country context.

Not necessarily. The assessment process forms part of the learning, which should be upheld and sustained. At the same time, to improve quality on an ongoing basis, assessment can take place before, during, and after training sessions. Indeed, when you pass through one of the domains of the On-The-Job Training tool, you’ll see that there is a recommendation to complement your work with the simultaneous use of the Assessment and Recognition tool.

Recognition is understood as an organisational process whereby the learner receives internal recognition and eventually, a diploma as official proof of learning and acquisition of competencies and skills.

However, validation is perceived in a more formal light, that is, acquired competencies are assessed and validated by an official institution. In terms of how they may be organised, there could be differences from one country to the next. In some countries, educational institutions have the legitimate right to validate competencies against formal learning criteria, whilst this task is assigned to independent bodies in other regions.

For management, it is important to have an overview of competencies and skills within the workforce. It will make it easier to match employees with their specific competencies and skills to those jobs and positions where they could perform their best.

Also, it is important for the individual health & care professional to receive recognition for competencies and skills obtained outside of the official education system. This recognition can ensure both vertical and horizontal mobility, and as a result, assist them in being promoted, receiving additional training and/or improving their overall work profile.

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