Summarised content:
Who are leading/facilitating the LIU? What are the competences needed in The LIU? Which staff groups are present? Who are representing each staff group? Who will be present from the company? Who are the end users? and how are they involved?
Expected achievement:
Clear definition of competences, participants and roles in the LIU.
Organisational tasks
1 Leader driving the process
1 admin/organizational/IT
1 representative from healthcare professionals (1 from each professional group)
1 company representative
1 enduser representative (not always relevant)
Describe role for each participant
Describe activity for each participant
Describe qualification and timeallocation for each participant
Describe the collaboration between the IT helpdesk and the company. Describe the service-desk available for Healthcare professionals during implementation. Predict moments of extraordinary loads – and make sure that resources are available to deliver throughout a peak period.
Team related tasks
Some recommend superusers.
If possible, there should be superusers representing all types of healthcare professionals in the team. They should also represent, day, evening and night shifts. The profile should never be the technology enthusiast – but rather a person who is:
a) in the middle group with respect to digital readiness,
b) has strong professional competences,
c) has good relations to collegues and managers.”
Some recommend ambassadors- who could have tasks such as enhancing the knowledge about the technology in the teams, but also spread the news to other teams in the same health-care unit. Or visit other units/teams where the technology already is fully implemented.
What is my new role if the technolgy is going to take over my work/ some of the tasks I used to do?
LIU should provide change communication about this issue, and follow up and develop concrete storries
The healthcare professionals will often associate to end users and if needed speak for them.
Shared decision making