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The Vaksdal municipality (Norway) aims to deliver safe support to patients in need of immediate health and social care. For staff members to access individuals’ homes, however, they must use standard keys stored elsewhere at an office location.

The municipality, therefore, decided to implement the instalment of electronic door locks (e-locks) and execute a widespread training programme on how to use such e-locks correctly. With e-locks, care workers could enter homes efficiently and ensure that patients receive the necessary help.

Using the three leading Digital & Innovation Skills Helix concepts—otherwise known as “DISH”—the municipality was able to successfully carry out the initiative despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The flexibility and practicality of the concepts allowed the municipality to identify relevant stakeholders for targeted messaging; re-design training for costs savings and creative ideas; and monitor actual understanding of e-lock use for additional follow-up support when needed.

Through DISH, the Vaksdal municipality is improving the quality of care for local residents whilst minimising costs for training development.

At A Glance


the number of e-locks installed
on patients’ doors


the percentage of care staff
capable of using e-locks
successfully within a month


the number of hours approximately
saved per week amongst care staff
after e-lock implementation



Planning and Implementation Tool Helps Clarify Values and
Benefits of New Technology for Varying Stakeholder Groups

Implementing any type of technological solution is difficult, especially if it is not clear exactly how it will prove helpful. However, the DISH tool for Planning and Implementation laid the groundwork for us. With its inherent compilation of questions and domains, we were able to identify 10 stakeholder groups and define their potential needs and wants.

As we had a clearer understanding of who these beneficiaries would comprise, we  could create a communications plan that included clear targeted messaging, activities, and timelines to reach those stakeholder groups optimally. This line of  approach would also serve as an opportunity to connect better and quickly with audiences after lockdowns imposed by the pandemic.



On-The-Job Training Goes Online Due to
Health Crisis Yet Creativity Proves

“We can train on the exercise door whenever there’s a moment to spare during a busy day. In my case, I practised twice a week for three weeks before I knew how to use the e-locks seamlessly. And, since then, I have never gone back to using the old door locks ”

– Martha Luise, nurse

The actual use of e-locks could be challenging to learn at first. To ensure that all care staff members were executing the e-Health solution effectively, we took advantage of the assessment concept found within DISH. We looked for those individuals who continued encountering issues with the technology and provided follow-up training. This round of training aimed to resolve those specific lingering problems and inspire confidence in the care staff’s ability to perform the tasks at hand.



Assessment Promotes Follow-up Training
Support To Those Most In Need

The actual use of e-locks could be challenging to learn at first. To ensure that all care staff members were executing the e-Health solution effectively, we took advantage of the assessment concept found within DISH. We looked for those individuals who continued encountering issues with the technology and provided follow-up training. This round of training aimed to resolve those specific lingering problems and inspire confidence in the care staff’s ability to perform the tasks at hand.

“We identified 3 care staff members who faced trouble using the e-locks. However, after providing additional follow-up training, they were all able to handle the technology correctly within two weeks!”

– Maria, manager

Only with DISH

Adaptability to Unforeseen Scenarios

The COVID-19 pandemic posed major issues in terms of e-health solution training and implementation. Firstly, care staff members had to respect and uphold social distancing measures and minimise contact whenever possible. Secondly, stakeholders’ needs and wants underwent some measurable changes given that their personal and even professional circumstances were no longer the same. Yet, because the DISH concepts are extensive in their consideration of various areas and potential pitfalls/barriers, progress can continue. This can be in the form of a well-defined communications plan with targeted messaging or even an innovation training alternative (the electronic door). The possibilities are endless.


48 out of 50

home care staff members use the e-locks on a daily basis a year since the initial training

25 New Staff

members have used the e-lock within a week of training, especially with the support of the “exercise door”

5,000 Euros

were estimated to have been avoided in implementation costs

Training Material

Build upon the Norwegians’ experience and use their own well-tested
documents to support you with DISH implementation

Change begins now.

The health & care sector is transforming quickly — shifting demographics and a
widespread digital overhaul. But, with DISH, you can be one step ahead.

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