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Why This Domain?

If you’re using the on-the-job training tool to plan, there is a formidable challenge – how to translate the urgency and described training needs defined in the previous tool into concrete training objectives and outcomes that align with health & care professionals’ daily work.

What Should You Expect After Domain Completion?

When you complete as many questions as possible below, you will have ensured that the training is based on the actual field of practice and requests of health & care professionals.

The Benefit?

There’s a higher chance of uptake and application of the given digital solution after training has been completed.

Please Complete As Many Questions As Possible For Each Topic

  • What is the technology in question?
  • Is there a purpose? (The HC professionals shall be able to see the purpose)
  • What is the urgency?
  • Is it of value to the health care professionals?
  • Is it of value to the patient?
  • Is there an advantage in using it?
  • Is management involved?
  • Is the individual nurse involved?
  • Is it available?
  • Is there a reward for using the technology e.g. a national certificate or a bonus/ higher salary?
  • Can we advertise for the technology? For instance, if patients live far away, they have the opportunity to have e.g. video-consultation
  • What is the behaviour we want the healthcare staff to display?
  • What is the barrier holding healthcare staff from using the technology?
  • What is the solution to remove the barrier(s)?
  • Can everybody see the value?
  • Does it seem practical to use in the daily work?
  • How are the competencies in relation to the need?
  • Is the organization around feedback in place for instance?
  • Is there a short description/information about the technology?
  • Is there a person in charge to solve the problems and to follow-up?
  • Are the support issues solved?
  • Is the cooperation between the nurses/Health Professional and the IT/computer professionals in place?
  • Honest value sit down with people who have to use it
  • Do we have the capacity?
  • Do we need additional resources   in the start-up phase?
  • Is the information and knowledge level in place?
  • How can we make first time use a success?
  • How can we assure involvement from the beginning?
  • Have we make it flexible?
  • How do we involve staff in describing how the use of technology can be specific enough to pass the video and calendar test?
  • How should the training end?
  • What should the participant take away from the training?
  • Is there a tight follow-up schedule?
  • Is there a participant involved that has impact on the organisation? (e.g., a role model)
  • Have we involved key nurses/champions in every shift?
  • What value is there for nurses?
  • What value is there for both patients and hospitals?

On-the-Job Training

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